Finding a Mental Health Professional in Vermont
Do you or someone you know need assistance finding a mental health professional who can work with you in the state of Vermont? View our resource guide to get started.

The Center for Health and Learning (CHL) is a non-profit organization that serves as a catalyst for initiatives that inspire optimal mental health for all. CHL work focuses on mental health and wellness promotion and prevention — including substance misuse and suicide prevention — and is the parent organization for the Vermont Suicide Prevention Center (VTSPC).
Our mission is to build healthy communities through educational resources, leadership training, policy development, and technical assistance. CHL is focused on improving school and community health.
Our staff and consultants apply expertise in health and education to design training, develop resources, and carry out research and evaluation.
CHL is a non-profit organization whose work promotes mental health and builds a foundation for healthy schools and communities.
CHL works to improve public mental health via training, policy, evaluation, research, and resource development.
CHL works with Schools, Health Care Providers and Coalitions, State and National Agencies, Organizations, and Private Businesses/ Trade Organizations.
Featured Programs

Umatter® Programs
Umatter® is a suicide prevention program that teaches young people and adults to recognize and address depression and risk factors and build strengths through self-care and community action.

Umatter® Suicide Prevention Awareness and Skills Training
Umatter® Suicide Prevention Awareness and Skills Training aims to enhance knowledge, comfort, and skills to identify those at risk for suicide in your organization or community, and resources to get help.

Umatter® for Schools
Umatter® for Schools Suicide Prevention is a national best practice program for suicide prevention developed by the Center for Health and Learning (CHL). Participant groups from schools should include school teachers, administrators, counselors and community members.

Umatter® for Youth and Young Adults
Umatter® for Youth and Young Adults (YYA) promotes youth mental health and leadership skills. CHL works directly with adult advisors within school systems to support the delivery of a curriculum focused on building resilience and promoting help-seeking behaviors. Participants are supported in creating a Community Action Project to impact their community.

Umatter® Training of Trainers
Umatter® Training of Trainers is a program that equips individuals, who have previously completed the Umatter® Suicide Prevention Awareness and Skills Training program, to facilitate the training in their communities or places of work. Participants will gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence along with the materials and support to bring suicide prevention awareness to their communities. Participants will help others identify:
• signs and symptoms of suicide;
• risk and protective factors;
• when and how to refer for more help; and,
• how to access resources.
Training Opportunities
We offer training opportunities in suicide prevention, mental health, and substance misuse to anyone in Vermont and beyond.
In Person
Facilitated Training at a conference center, or at your place of business
Online & Hybrid
Facilitated Training delivered online, or in a hybrid model
Online Courses
Online, asynchronous courses that are flexible, and available when you have time
Lethal Means Safety
The Center for Health and Learning (CHL), in partnership with the Vermont Department of Health (VDH), have published new resource guides on Lethal Means Safety.
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