Tree Of Life
The Tree of Life painting is an original piece of artwork by renowned Jewish artist Lori Loebelsohn, representing our vision and mission created specifically for us with input from Board of Directors of the Center for Health and Learning (CHL) — specifically, Jan Bouch who served on CHL’s Board from December 2011 through May 2016 and under the leadership of Board Chair Marie Frohlich, who served CHL from May 2009 until June 2014, and vice-President Lauck Parke, who served CHL from 2010 until 2014. The Tree of llife is at the center of a community, surrounded by pictures representing the many facets of CHL’s work.

Our History

The Center for Health and Learning (CHL), founded in 1998 as the Green Mountain Training Center for Healthy Schools and Communities (GMTC), is an outgrowth of an initiative by the Centers for Disease Control’s Division of Adolescent and School Health to build local capacity for school and community health promotion by establishing regional training centers capable of delivering high-quality educational events. The organization was renamed in 2004.

Since it’s inception, CHL has served more than 20,000 professionals and community members.  In our mission to promote healthy and safe schools and communities, we have created partnerships with, and provided services to, more than 100 cooperating agencies and school systems.

Take a look at our work to find out more about how we can support your work in creating a healthier, safer environment for families, schools and communities.

Past Activities

At CHL we support and promote the use of the Coordinated School Health model developed by the CDC, a comprehensive framework used to integrate school and community health.

Never straying from our mission to promote the health and well being of children, families, schools and communities, we have been building and implementing educational resources for the field. From professional development training and technical assistance to school curricula development and evaluation resources, CHL continues to deliver programs and services in comprehensive and coordinated strategic health initiatives.

At the crossroads between public health and education, we have offered trainings and technical assistance in the following wellness-related topics and skills:

  • Alcohol, tobacco and other drug education with ATOD Education Tools & Resources
  • Nutrition education
  • Pedestrian and bicycle safety
  • Puberty and sexuality education
  • HIV and sexually transmitted disease prevention
  • HIV Positive Speakers Program
  • Youth suicide prevention; grief and bereavement support
  • Conflict resolution and cultural competency
  • Life skills training
  • School climate, including school discipline, bullying & harassment, internet safety
  • Standards and skills-based health education and research-based curricula
  • Strategic Prevention Framework
  • Resiliency development
  • Adolescent brain development
  • Prevention ethics
  • Coalition development
  • Sexual harassment training
  • Eating disorders
  • Media literacy and responsibility

Whether you are an educator committed to achieving optimal student learning, an administrator interested in providing professional development for your staff or a community project manager in need of assistance with the design of a new initiative or evaluation of an existing program, the experienced staff, trainers and consultants at CHL are prepared to support your efforts to create a healthier, safer environment for families, schools and communities.

Our vision is optimal health for all through research-based practice, education and collaboration. To find out more about how we can support your work in making the critical connection between health and learning, please contact us at