

The Vermont Suicide Prevention Coalition invites you to a PRESS CONFERENCE that will provide a one-year update on the VERMONT GUN SHOP PROJECT, an ongoing collaboration among the Vermont Department of Mental Health; the Vermont Federation of Sportsman’s Clubs, Inc.; Gun Owners of Vermont; and the Vermont Suicide Prevention Center.

What is Family Engagement?

The Harvard Family Research Project redefines Family Engagement as the shared responsibility of families, schools, communities (including businesses) to support student learning and success. It is a continuous process for early education to young adulthood that occurs across multiple settings where children learn. It encourages education-community partnerships to “move from random acts of family involvement to effective strategies to promote student success.”

Umatter® Training of Trainers Portal

Join us and become equipped to facilitate Umatter Suicide Awareness workshops in your community or place of work. You will gain the skills, knowledge, confidence, and materials to bring suicide prevention awareness to your community. You will help others identify…