Umatter® Suicide Prevention and Awareness Programming offers a set of proprietary trainings on suicide prevention and mental health promotion

Vermont, February 28th, 2022 - Please join the Vermont Suicide Prevention Coalition (The Coalition) as they present to the Vermont legislature. The sessions will increase knowledge about needs and recommended strategies for suicide prevention in Vermont, and highlight the importance of the contents of S.69.

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and the state’s mental health and public health officials are asking all Vermonters to take this time to learn about the supports available for themselves or people they know who may be at risk of suicide.
- Community Health, COVID19, Family Engagement, Featured, Gatekeeper, Mental Health, Professional Development, School Health, Substance Abuse, Suicide Prevention, Umatter, Violence Prevention

I have been thinking a lot about how we will get through this.

Thanks to regional media partners, platforms and agencies across Vermont, the word about suicide prevention awareness and support is getting out.

Connecting Rural Communities is a partnership promoting linkages between care providers for improving suicide prevention protocols in rural Vermont.