During the past decade, research has identified a number of curricula that through evaluation and scientific studies have documented efficacy in reducing use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, decreasing risk of pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted Infections, including HIV, as well as decreasing other risk-taking behavior and increasing communication, coping and help-seeking skills.
Research-based curricula:
- Are based on sound scientific principles and strategies;
- Present relative and developmentally appropriate information and skills at each grade level;
- Resonate with the cultural values of students in relation to age, ethnicity, community situation, etc.;
- Address the context in which students are likely to encounter drugs, conflicts or decisions regarding sexual activity;
- Are taught by educators well trained in the curriculum;
- Are based on behavioral or cognitive-behavioral principles, such as modeling, behavioral and cognitive rehearsal, goal setting, coaching and feedback;
- Provide opportunities for practice and rehearsal of skills in realistic situations.
CHL specializes in curriculum training using interactive teaching strategies. To learn more about these curricula or to request training, please contact us at info@healthandlearning.org.

Positive Prevention
CHL is excited to announce the offering of a training on the new American Red Cross curriculum entitled Positive Prevention: HIV/STD Prevention Education for America’s Youth.

Know Your Body
Know Your Body (KYB) is a comprehensive elementary health education curriculum for grades K-6. A skills and standards-based curriculum aligned to the national health education model, Know Your Body conforms to state grade level expectations.

Puberty – The Wonder Years
This one-day training prepares participants to conduct puberty education using Puberty: The Wonder Years, the best puberty education curriculum we’ve seen.

Safer Choices
Safer Choices is a two-year, school-based, HIV/STI and teen pregnancy prevention program with the primary goal of reducing unprotected sexual intercourse by encouraging abstinence and, among students who report having sex, encouraging condom use.

Lifelines is a comprehensive, schoolwide suicide prevention program for middle and high school students.

Michigan Model
In recent years, state agencies started to work together to more effectively reach students and their families with health promotion and disease prevention messages.