Help Us Grow Our Impact for the Next 25 Years


In 2024, we are launching the CHL Volunteer Collective with two types of opportunities for you to get directly involved with our efforts and our team of committed professionals. 

Complete the form below to be the first to know how you can join!


We have data that reflects that mental health crises are on the rise across our communities.

We know that certain means, and certain communities are a larger part of the story. We know that firearms are the most lethal means in mental health crises. We know that the men, older adults, LGBTQIA+, and immigrant populations are at a higher risk for untreated mental health crises and suicidality. We also know that suicidality is diagnosable and treatable. 

At CHL, we believe in the fullness of human potential, and the power the brain has to heal. Mental illness can affect anyone — at any time — due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

And, we also know that in the context of data about mental health, it is also easy to place blame on oneself or others. We cannot change what has been done but we can change future outcomes and that is the work set out before us — you, me, and us. Each one of us — individually, and together.

At CHL, we help people identify those risk factors in themselves and others, create communities for educational opportunities, provide resources for finding support and creating resilience, and ultimately create pathways for hope and healing.


1. Make a PLEDGE (a monthly, recurring donation) or DONATION today. Can you Pledge a Monthly Gift of $5, $10, $25, $50, or $100? 

If you have questions about your donation, please email

For information on using your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA account to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), read the information presented by the Vermont Community Foundation.

2. Join a team, or start your very own mental health fundraising team for CHL. 

3. Sign up to express interest in our volunteer group in 2024.

4. Register for our Umatter® Suicide Prevention Awareness training (held virtually, once each month).

4. Contact us to schedule a training in your school or place of business.

5. Share. Share. Share our campaign. Our organization has the ability to change lives, and the ability to save lives. Can we count on you?