Know Your Body
Know Your Body (KYB) is a comprehensive elementary health education curriculum for grades K-6. A skills and standards-based curriculum aligned to the national health education model, Know Your Body conforms to state grade level expectations.
The program stresses individual responsibility for health and lays a firm foundation for making health-promoting and disease-preventing decisions. Each grade level has 12 modules with the same subject focus, but different lessons, enabling continuous exposure and scaffolding of concepts, knowledge and skills across grade levels. Behavioral goals are geared toward outcomes that children of this age can realistically affect, such as breakfast and snack choices, and asking adults to not smoke in their presence.
Easy to implement, with wonderful learning activities and extension activities for integrating health education into the general curriculum, this is an outstanding choice for elementary health education. The trainer will have extensive implementation experience and can assist with site-based implementation planning.
KYB curriculum materials include:
- Age-appropriate teacher’s guides (grades K-6)
- Student master sheets (grades K-3)
- Student activity books (grades 4-6)
- A class Big Book (grade 1)
- Puppet sets (grades K-3)
It is recommended that the KYB program be taught a minimum of 40 minutes per week. Most teachers are able to use the program more often because of its interdisciplinary approach. The curriculum is highly interactive. It encourages parent and community involvement and is easily integrated into other subject areas.