Michigan Model

In recent years, state agencies started to work together to more effectively reach students and their families with health promotion and disease prevention messages. The model in Michigan is that state agencies work with scores of voluntary and professional groups to share resources, avoid duplication, and provide a single focus for school health curriculum for children.

The Model creates a partnership between parents, schools and communities that supports young people in making health decisions. Teachers receive training, new materials, and ongoing support to teach health. Students gradually develop skills and knowledge in age-appropriate content areas as they proceed from kindergarten through the 12th grade. Students receive key health messages that are introduced, developed, and reinforced at a time when they can understand and use them. Teachers are given access to current research and new teaching ideas to help students learn to make smart choices. Students acquire and reinforce new health skills through hands-on lessons and practice.

The Michigan Model promotes these values:

  • Self discipline and cooperation;
  • Respect for others and respect for self;
  • Respect for property and the environment;
  • Respect for laws and school rules;
  • Compassion and helpfulness;
  • Kindness and non-violent resolution of conflict.