CHL custom designs staff development based on needs assessments and cultural considerations to help people acquire new knowledge and skills. We believe in learning over time, through application, reflection and with follow-up to increase capabilities of staff.
Professional Development at CHL encompasses all types of facilitated learning opportunities including earning credentials such as academic degrees or certificates, conferences and informal learning opportunities such as workshops, day long trainings, online or blended formats, or through consultation, situated in practice. It can be brief or intensive and collaborative, and alwaysincorporates an evaluative component.
Design: Data-driven, Practical, Interactive, Experiential
Formats: Face to Face, Online, Blended, with Consult
Services: Design, Facilitation, Coordination & Logistics, Evaluation
Specialties: Learning Communities, Workforce Development, Conferences, Symposia

Practice Improvement
CHL can help organizations use data to design interventions needed to improve professional practice outcomes. CHL can:
- Review data related to a professional practice activity
- Compare the data to evidence-based guidelines.
- Develop and implement a plan to improve the practice.
- After implementing the improvement plan, review the data and use it to evaluet whether performance has been improved or maintained.
Coordination and Logistics
CHL provides complete logistical and support services for any size training, conference, or other event. Support services include:
- Oversee online registration process;
- Produce, organize, and disseminate meeting materials;
- Secure and set up event site;
- Arrange technical support and catering;
- Communicate with registrants;
- Contract with and support of speakers, trainers, and facilitators;
- Collect training/event fees and oversee invoicing;
- Coordinate onsite registration;
- Create evaluation too and provide evaluation summaries post-event;
- Create final participant list post-event.
If you have a need for logistical support for a training, conference, or other event, please contact Catherine Diduk, Training and Events Coordinator at or at 802-254-6590.
CHL Priority Health Areas
- Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
- Community Health
- Mental, Emotional and Social Health
- Personal Health and Wellness
- Suicide Prevention
- Safety, Injury and Violence Prevention
- School Health and Comprehensive Health Education
- Sexual Health
For a list of Current Trainings and Events click here
Trainings in Published Curricula
We deliver training in published health education curricula including comprehensive health education and curricula with a specific content focus. All curricula that we provide training and technical assistance for meet research criteria for identifying effective programs according the U.S. Department of Education and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Click here to see our list of published health education curricula that we offer trainings in.
Improving Health Education Teaching and Learning
Center for Health and Learning works to assist teachers in the development of curriculum, instruction and assessment that promotes knowledge and skills in health education that are in alignment with national and state standards. To view the National Health Education Standards, click here.
Center for Health and Learning (CHL) is prepared to train educators in the methods and materials of skills-based instruction, including performance-based assessment methods and tools. CHL can modify existing curricula or develop local, original curricula for schools and school districts that align with state and national standards for curricula and assessment. Another service that CHL offers is to integrate health education curricula with other academic areas.
One of our specialties is conducting analyses to discover gaps in health-related curricula. CHL develops and manages cadres of trainers who have expertise in health issues. Our trainers deliver trainings in published health education curricula. To increase the long-term impact of our trainings, we also train educators on how to integrate curricula and other innovations into their classrooms. Some of our trainings and professional development events offer graduate credits that help educators achieve re-licensure.
Please contact us for examples of how CHL develops health education curricula for local school districts that meet state and national guidelines.
Performance-Based Assessment for Health Education
Center for Health and Learning offers trainings and technical assistance for schools and health educators who want to pursue performance-based assessment to evaluate students’ achievements in learning about health. Performance-based assessment moves away from more fact-based methods for assessing students, such as multiple-choice. Emphasis shifts from fact retention to building skills among students. Assessment tools for measuring skills include eliciting both abbreviated and lengthier written responses from students, and asking students to develop projects or products that directly relate their newly acquired skills to their lives and interests. When students engage in constructing their own responses they are more likely to develop usable knowledge and skills. Performance-based assessment is a relevant and realistic application of students’ knowledge, skills and awareness about health.
Participant Testimonials ★★★★★
“This was the best training I have been to in a long time. The information was well presented and the tools used were not intimidating. Thank you!”
I learned a lot that is useful and relevant. Wonderful, informative and kindness/openness of your trainers was so helpful. Your hands-on workshop strategies were helpful- thank you!
I had no idea I would get so much out of today- the content was relevant and the training was very helpful- there’s not a person out there who wouldn’t benefit from this training. I am so glad I came. I want to do more for my workplace and community good information- A+ !
Excellent presenter, very informative, relevant and applicable. Expertise, materials and presentation was very effective