Vermont Suicide Prevention Center

The Vermont Suicide Prevention Center (VTSPC) is a statewide resource fostering a sustainable approach to suicide prevention in Vermont.
Under the advisement of the Vermont Suicide Prevention Coalition, the VTSPC’s mission is to create health-promoting communities in which schools, Institutions of Higher Education, public and private agencies and people of all ages have the knowledge, attitudes, skills and resources to reduce the risk of suicide. The purpose of VTSPC is to support statewide suicide prevention efforts and help local communities implement the recommendations of the Vermont Suicide Prevention Platform using data-driven, evidence-based practices. The VTSPC is publicly funded through an allocation from the Vermont Department of Mental Health (DMH) — the lead state agency for suicide prevention in Vermont. The Vermont Department of Mental Health oversees all activities funded through this allocation.
Get Help Now
If you or someone you know is depressed or suicidal, and there is cause for immediate concern, there are a number of resources that can help.
Vermont Suicide Prevention Center Goals:
- Promote mental health and emotional resilience in Vermont through collaborations focused on public education and prevention policies.
- Cultivate strong state and local leadership for suicide prevention and intervention.
- Involve youth and adults in suicide prevention activities, including public education that encourages the development of coping skills and help-seeking behavior.
- Equip youth and adult gatekeepers with the knowledge and skills necessary for responding effectively to signs of distress, and intervening early with those who are showing warning signs of suicide.
- Enhance strategies for early identification of mental health conditions and pathways leading to care and recovery.
- Encourage access to primary care and mental health services that provide effective intervention, treatment and follow-up.
- Support the use of data and personal stories to inform suicide prevention in Vermont.
- Provide strategic tools for developing suicide prevention programs, implement interventions, and promote policies to prevent suicide.
Vermont Suicide Prevention Center Serves:
- Educators and School Health Professionals
- First Responders
- Social Services
- Health Care and Mental Health Services
- Faith Communities
- Community Coalitions
- Legislators
- Special Interest Groups
- Youth and Young Adult Adults
- Organizations Serving Elderly in VT
Vermont Suicide Prevention Center Services:
The VTSPC cultivates support for, develops, implements and evaluates:
- Suicide Prevention and Postvention Protocols for School and Community Professionals
- School Policy, Protocol and Curriculum Development
- Suicide Prevention and Postvention Trainers and Training
- Training and Technical Assistance for Schools, Institutions of Higher Education and Public and
- Private Organizations
- Suicide Prevention and Postvention; Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Education; Mental Health,
- Depression Awareness and Compassion Training
- Development of Culturally Appropriate Prevention Strategies
- Development and Dissemination of Upstream Mental Health Promotion Public Information Materials
VTSPC is a program of the Center for Health and Learning supported by funding from the Department of Mental Health and other grants and contracts, and public and private donations.
Research from the American Association of Suicidology and the academic literature regarding suicide were applied. Once program goals and objectives were developed, experiential learning activities were designed to reach all learning preferences and styles of participants to ensure the maximum transfer of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Umatter is a program of the Center for Health and Learning. CHL seeks to disseminate Umatter nationally and work with partners to continue to refine and develop the program. Please give us your feedback and contact us for more information.
In Vermont, more people die by suicide than from motor vehicle accidents, homicide
and drowning combined.
We fight to change this alarming statistic and your support helps
The Vermont Suicide Prevention Center Program has many resources
Get Help Now

If you or someone you know is depressed or suicidal, and there is cause for immediate concern, there are a number of resources that can help. Discover what resources are available to assist you, in addition to learning about warning signs and steps to take when helping someone in need.
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Resources for Professionals

The Vermont Suicide Prevention Center believes that educating the professionals that work within our communities is an important aspect of suicide prevention efforts. Review websites, documents, apps, brochures and more, that help guide this effort.
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Media Reporting Guidelines

Covering suicide carefully, even briefly, can change public misconceptions and correct myths, which can encourage those who are vulnerable or at risk to seek help. Learn about recommendations for reporting on suicide and related topics, to avoid sensationalizing or glamorizing death.
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Give Help

While some people behave very impulsively and move quickly toward suicide, the average crisis period lasts about two weeks. Usually there is time to intervene. Efforts to persuade someone to live are usually met with relief, so do not hesitate to act. The best way to help is to take the person directly to a professional. If that is not possible, persuade the person to agree to get help and then assist with making the arrangement.
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Zero Suicide

A commitment to suicide prevention in health and behavioral health care systems. The foundational belief of Zero Suicide is that suicide deaths for individuals under care within health and behavioral health systems are preventable. It presents both a bold goal and an aspirational challenge.
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Gun Shop Project

We know that if we can give people hope and keep them from taking their lives in the moments of worst despair, we can change the course of that life.
The VERMONT GUN SHOP PROJECT – is an initiative that brings people with the common goal of reducing deaths by suicide by gunshot together to take meaningful steps to save lives.
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Resource Directory

Looking to help someone in need? Searching for help for yourself? Check out our Resource Directory for a list of hotlines, services, programs and more.
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