Primary Care Provider Well Visit Information

"Developed By And For Youth!"

Healthcare providers are available to make sure you are physically and emotionally healthy. They can also discuss sensitive topics and help guide you towards making good decisions. That is why it is important to build a good relationship with your primary care provider.

Scheduling your own appointments with your healthcare providers is one of the many steps toward managing your own healthcare.  It increases the likelihood that the appointment fits into your schedule and that you will attend the meeting.  

The best way to build a relationship with your provider is to be upfront and honest; visiting them annually will help you feel more comfortable with them.  They are there to help you be healthy and happy and that is easiest to do when they understand what is happening in your life.  

Take responsibility for your healthcare – schedule your appointment today! 

How your healthcare provider can help you:

  • Learn skills for self-care.
  • Prevent illness by getting important screenings and immunizations.
  • Receive guidance for addressing health concerns.
  • Recognize your own strengths and the resources available to help you.
  • Identify adults in your life who support you, which includes your healthcare provider

Discussions with your healthcare provider are PRIVATE. 

Information you share with your healthcare provider is not shared with others unless they are concerned that you or someone else is in danger.  They should ask your parents or other support people to leave the room when they discuss sensitive topics with you to protect your privacy.

What things are confidential?

  • Your sexual health, reproduction, mental health, or substance use unless you give permission for them to share this information.

When is confidentiality broken?

By law, healthcare providers must share confidential information to keep young people safe. These situations include:

  • If you are being physically or sexually abused
  • If you are at serious risk of harming yourself or others

How to schedule an appointment:

  1. Find the phone number for your provider’s office – ask a parent/guardian or your school nurse, or search online for the provider by name. 
  2. Check your availability and be prepared with some dates and times that work best for you.
  3. Know your health insurance information and if you don’t have health insurance, be prepared to ask about your options when you call the provider’s office
  4. Determine why you want an appointment, examples include:
    • Annual Well visit (thorough physical and emotional health screen)
    • Specific health concerns or sick visit 
    • Vaccinations or Immunizations
  5. Call within business hours
  6. Once you have made an appointment, write it down in your schedule so you don’t forget and make sure you have transportation to get to the appointment.

Take Charge of Your Healthcare!

The chart below provides ideas on how to access healthcare on your own. (Click to enlarge)

Your Health is in Your Hands poster

The Your Health is in Your Hands poster can be downloaded for use here.  You may also find the Health Rights for Teens to download and share.

The VT RAYS (Raising Awareness for Youth Services) is a group of young people ages 14-18 in the state of Vermont who serve as an advisory council to the Vermont Child Health Improvement Program’s (VCHIP)  Youth Health Improvement  Initiative.  The VT RAYS offer youth perspectives on issues that affect adolescent health care.

This promotion of primary care well visits is a project of the Umatter Youth and Young Adult program supported by the Vermont Department of Health.