Reducing Stigma and Increasing Conversations with Accurate Information

This month we want to encourage you to participate in one of our Umatter® Suicide Prevention and Awareness Trainings, which are just 90 min long, and offered once a month, online/live.  This level 101 training is meant for the general public (like CPR is to medical model).

“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.”

Mr. Fred Rogers

If you went to the ER for a broken arm over the weekend, would you go to work and share with your co-workers that you got hurt and sought medical care?  Many people would….they may even include letting their co-workers and supervisors know what would be helpful in terms of accommodations in the next few weeks as they heal physically.

But what if you went to the ER for a mental health crisis over the weekend? Would you go to work and share with your co-workers that you were having difficulty and sought mental health support?  Many people choose NOT to share this information with their co-workers and supervisors.  Many people state that they are uncomfortable asking for accommodations or support as they begin to heal emotionally. 

Why do we hold two levels of physical and mental health expectations and experiences? 

We are whole beings with both physical and mental needs. Both aspects are on a continuum that can change and adjust without notice…neither stays consistent. 

This month we want to encourage you to participate in one of our Umatter® Suicide Prevention and Awareness Trainings, which are just 90 min long, and offered once a month, online/live.  This level 101 training is meant for the general public (like CPR is to medical model). The Umatter® Awareness Level training will teach you:  Risk Factors, Warning Signs, Protective Factors, share current and relevant demographics and statistics of prevalence, and provide you with resources/supports to share within your family, community, and workplace! 

You can take this workshop from the comfort of your home or office and begin to gain comfort with having hard conversations with many people. 

Awareness Traning Dates

We look forward to opening conversations and discussions with you to reduce stigma and shift the parallel understanding of mental and physical health, as they are always intertwined, intersect, and co-exist! 

In partnership,
